
2011年6月21日 星期二


We have difference
Our mind set is different We treated the same things in different way
All i know is about we are just different
You have your own way to done the work well
I have myr own perception to finish my work well
He has his own idea
She has her own suggestion
I do not accept your idea
She do not listen my idea
I accept his opinion
You do not have any suggestion
We are different
But we only have the same mind
That is
We hope everything done well

Tell people about your feeling
Tell people that you can work well
Tell people that he doesn't have that ability
Just tell the truth
If not...We are in the same situation
That is we have different mind set

Learn to lower down yourself
listen to people
know people and understand why they will do so
If not
It's only is a mess
