I was told myself
Inner peace...Inner peace
Yes...i'm really try my best not to get angry, not to get in trouble, not to get mess
I did
i do not angry, I do not in trouble and i do not make everything mess
I am be so patience these few days
But i have some of the time
I'm gonna burst out everything and shout everything
Something that i regret to
Something that i hope will not happen
It has something that is hard to control
I told myself again
Just let it be
People is just so ugly when they are talking other people
Yes i know
But sometimes it's hard to control
Some people they are just a busy body that make you feel don't like
and one day you will explode like a volcano
I know i'm so mean
And that time i told myself
They are just want to lend a hand
They are a kind person
and sometimes it makes me confusing
I told myself
Just be yourself
Dont care what people do
When you get angry to one people, it will make urself ugly
It's not worth.
Ok...i will try to convince myself
Inner peace....
My fren yesterday give me see something that related blood type with horoscope
Most of the things that is accurate
But there have 1 things that i really totally disagree
which is Cancer will not always care for something that is small
I think it need to see the duration
small things can be a big things in a long period.
Ok...i think i need to get on bed
ps: i have 1 fren said that, cancer people is the most kind people among all the horoscope.
But i dun think so. They will because of environtment and change to another people.